6.3 Replication Example

The R code below replicates multiple statistics and standard errors from the presentation by OPHI Research Officer Christop Jindra:


# load the same microdata set used by Jindra in his presentation

# coerce that `tbl_df` to a standard R `data.frame`
nlsw88 <- data.frame(nlsw88)

# create a `collgrad` column
nlsw88$collgrad <-
    as.numeric(nlsw88$collgrad) ,
    label = c('not college grad' , 'college grad') ,
    ordered = TRUE

# initiate a linearization-based survey design object
des_nlsw88 <- svydesign(ids = ~ 1 , data = nlsw88)
## Warning in svydesign.default(ids = ~1, data = nlsw88): No weights or
## probabilities supplied, assuming equal probability
# immediately run the `convey_prep` function on the survey design
des_nlsw88 <- convey_prep(des_nlsw88)

# PDF page 9
result <-
    ~ wage + collgrad + hours,
    design = des_nlsw88,
    cutoffs = list(4, 'college grad' , 26),
    k = 1 / 3,
    g = 0,
    na.rm = T

##      alkire-foster     SE
## [1,]       0.36991 0.0053
attr(result, 'extra')
##        coef          SE
## H 0.8082070 0.008316807
## A 0.4576895 0.004573443
# PDF page 10
for (ks in seq(0.1, 1, .1)) {
  result <-
      ~ wage + collgrad + hours,
      design = des_nlsw88,
      cutoffs = list(4, 'college grad' , 26),
      k = ks ,
      g = 0,
      na.rm = T
  print(attr(result , 'extra'))
##      alkire-foster     SE
## [1,]       0.36991 0.0053
##        coef          SE
## H 0.8082070 0.008316807
## A 0.4576895 0.004573443
##      alkire-foster     SE
## [1,]       0.36991 0.0053
##        coef          SE
## H 0.8082070 0.008316807
## A 0.4576895 0.004573443
##      alkire-foster     SE
## [1,]       0.36991 0.0053
##        coef          SE
## H 0.8082070 0.008316807
## A 0.4576895 0.004573443
##      alkire-foster     SE
## [1,]       0.18659 0.0068
##        coef          SE
## H 0.2582516 0.009245464
## A 0.7225101 0.005174483
##      alkire-foster     SE
## [1,]       0.18659 0.0068
##        coef          SE
## H 0.2582516 0.009245464
## A 0.7225101 0.005174483
##      alkire-foster     SE
## [1,]       0.18659 0.0068
##        coef          SE
## H 0.2582516 0.009245464
## A 0.7225101 0.005174483
##      alkire-foster     SE
## [1,]      0.043265 0.0043
##         coef          SE
## H 0.04326494 0.004297766
## A 1.00000000 0.000000000
##      alkire-foster     SE
## [1,]      0.043265 0.0043
##         coef          SE
## H 0.04326494 0.004297766
## A 1.00000000 0.000000000
##      alkire-foster     SE
## [1,]      0.043265 0.0043
##         coef          SE
## H 0.04326494 0.004297766
## A 1.00000000 0.000000000
##      alkire-foster     SE
## [1,]      0.043265 0.0043
##         coef          SE
## H 0.04326494 0.004297766
## A 1.00000000 0.000000000
# PDF page 13
for (ks in c(0.5 , 0.75 , 1)) {
  result <-
      ~ wage + collgrad + hours ,
      design = des_nlsw88 ,
      cutoffs = list(4, 'college grad' , 26) ,
      k = ks ,
      g = 0 ,
      dimw = c(0.5 , 0.25 , 0.25) ,
      na.rm = TRUE
  print(attr(result, 'extra'))
##      alkire-foster     SE
## [1,]       0.19135 0.0069
##        coef          SE
## H 0.2689563 0.009366804
## A 0.7114428 0.006847428
##      alkire-foster     SE
## [1,]       0.14897 0.0067
##        coef          SE
## H 0.1842105 0.008188892
## A 0.8087167 0.005216042
##      alkire-foster     SE
## [1,]      0.043265 0.0043
##         coef          SE
## H 0.04326494 0.004297766
## A 1.00000000 0.000000000
# PDF page 17
result <-
    ~ wage + collgrad + hours,
    design = des_nlsw88,
    cutoffs = list(4, 'college grad' , 26),
    k = 1 / 3,
    g = 0,
    na.rm = T

##      alkire-foster     SE
## [1,]       0.36991 0.0053
attr(result, "extra")
##        coef          SE
## H 0.8082070 0.008316807
## A 0.4576895 0.004573443
  ~ wage + collgrad + hours,
  by = ~ 1,
  design = des_nlsw88,
  cutoffs = list(4, 'college grad' , 26),
  k = 1 / 3,
  g = 0,
  na.rm = T
## $`raw headcount ratio`
##          raw headcount     SE
## wage           0.19492 0.0084
## collgrad       0.76316 0.0090
## hours          0.15165 0.0076
# PDF page 19

# Censored headcount ratios
for (ks in seq(1 / 3, 1, 1 / 3)) {
  print (
      ~ wage + collgrad + hours,
      by = ~ 1,
      design = des_nlsw88,
      cutoffs = list(4, 'college grad' , 26),
      k = ks,
      g = 0,
      na.rm = T
## $`censored headcount ratio`
##          cens. headcount     SE
## wage             0.19492 0.0084
## collgrad         0.76316 0.0090
## hours            0.15165 0.0076
## $`censored headcount ratio`
##          cens. headcount     SE
## wage             0.18421 0.0082
## collgrad         0.24799 0.0091
## hours            0.12756 0.0070
## $`censored headcount ratio`
##          cens. headcount     SE
## wage            0.043265 0.0043
## collgrad        0.043265 0.0043
## hours           0.043265 0.0043
# Percentage contribution by dimensions
for (ks in seq(1 / 3, 1, 1 / 3)) {
  print (
      ~ wage + collgrad + hours,
      by = ~ 1,
      design = des_nlsw88,
      cutoffs = list(4, 'college grad' , 26),
      k = ks,
      g = 0,
      na.rm = T
## $`percentual contribution per dimension`
##          dim. % contribution     SE
## wage                 0.17564 0.0061
## collgrad             0.68770 0.0077
## hours                0.13666 0.0059
## $`percentual contribution per dimension`
##          dim. % contribution     SE
## wage                 0.32908 0.0083
## collgrad             0.44303 0.0047
## hours                0.22789 0.0090
## $`percentual contribution per dimension`
##          dim. % contribution SE
## wage                 0.33333  0
## collgrad             0.33333  0
## hours                0.33333  0
# PDF page 22
for (ks in seq(1 / 3, 1, 1 / 3)) {
      ~ wage + collgrad + hours,
      subgroup = ~ factor(married),
      design = des_nlsw88,
      cutoffs = list(4, 'college grad' , 26),
      k = ks ,
      g = 0,
      dimw = NULL,
      na.rm = T
## $`percentual contribution per subgroup`
##   grp. % contribution    SE
## 0             0.34204 0.012
## 1             0.65796 0.012
## $`percentual contribution per subgroup`
##   grp. % contribution     SE
## 0             0.32032 0.0197
## 1             0.67968 0.0197
## $`percentual contribution per subgroup`
##   grp. % contribution     SE
## 0              0.3299 0.0477
## 1              0.6701 0.0477